Thursday, December 18, 2008

Earn a Promotion in a Year

by Margaret Steen,

If a promotion is one of your goals for the next year, are you doing everything you can to make it happen?

It would be nice if hard work and talent would automatically lead to a job with more pay, more responsibility, and a better title. But in most cases, it takes more than that to move to the next level.

Make Yourself Known

Look at the job you'd like to have a year from now. Who selects candidates for this position? Who does that person work with and ask for advice?

"Then you systematically sit down and think about how you're going to make contact," says Helen Harkness, founder of Career Design Inc., in Dallas. There are lots of ways to do this. You can volunteer to serve on a committee with the people you need to know, for example. You can forward them articles or information that relate to their expertise.

Help Your Boss Succeed

Often, your boss is the person who will decide if you'll be promoted. But even if not, your boss will almost certainly be consulted. So impressing your boss is a top priority.

Marianne Adoradio, a recruiter and career counselor in Silicon Valley, suggests focusing on your company's key goals, then talking with your boss to find out which are most important in your department. "It's really important to be aware of what is going to make your boss successful, what is most important to him or her."

Start Doing the Job

You don't want to stage an office coup and start making personnel decisions that are your boss' responsibility. But you need to show that you can work at a higher level than your current position.

"People are easily promoted when they show that they can already do parts of the job they want to move into," says Steve Levin, principal of Leading Change Consulting & Coaching, in Portola Valley, California. "If you want to move from being a manager to a group manager, start taking on responsibility for what a group manager does. Start thinking like they do."

Then you can make the case that "I'm already doing the job; I just need the title."

"That's pretty irresistible to your boss," Levin says.

Have a Plan B

Many people think there's a system in place at work that will take care of them and their career path, Harkness says. "They expect it to happen 1-2-3, automatically. They do the right thing, and they're going to get that promotion. It doesn't work that way."

In fact, Harkness says, it can happen that "you do everything you're supposed to do and it doesn't work." It's important to understand that the workplace is uncertain -- and to know what your backup plan is if you don't get the promotion you want.

If the promotion was a stretch and your boss is encouraging even while turning you down, it may be worth spending another year gaining experience. But you may also want to explore career options outside the company
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Most Promising Places to Start a New Career

by Amelia Gray, FindTheRightSchool
All things being equal, where you live can make a huge difference in what you earn. Whether you're ready to make a move to a new city or you want to choose an education that fits the needs of your hometown, career training can make a big difference to your wallet.

When it comes to marketing your degree, the old axiom for real estate holds true -- it's all about location, location, location. Check out these top degrees available online, matched with some of their best areas nationwide and earnings from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Associate Degree: Medical Assisting

The BLS has medical assistants on its list of fastest-growing careers through 2016, with about 148,000 new jobs expected to enter the field in the coming years. A short, two-year associate degree is considered proper training for this growing health care industry career.

Top Industry: Physicians' offices hire the most medical assistants by far, with mean annual earnings of $28,460 in 2007. However, specialty hospitals paid more, at $31,860.

Top Location: Areas with high levels of retirement communities, such as Arizona and Florida, are expected to see an influx of career opportunities for medical assistants. Look for locations with hospitals, nursing care centers, and physicians' offices.

Bachelor's Degree + Certificate: Teaching

Career training to become a teacher means playing a direct role in the next generation. A bachelor's degree plus teacher certification is the typical path for most teachers, though some school districts require teachers to complete a master's degree within a certain period after hire. Areas of high growth are typically good for teaching occupations.

Top Industry: Secondary school teachers make more than preschool, kindergarten, or elementary school teachers, with mean annual earnings of $52,450. Vocational education teachers at the secondary level aren't far behind.

Top Location: The U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics reports that Nevada, Arizona, Texas, and Georgia will experience the greatest student enrollment increases. Job prospects for teachers are expected to be better in rural and inner city areas than suburban locations.

Certificate: Paralegals and Legal Assistants

Want to work in the legal industry but wary about years of law school education? Career training programs for paralegals and legal assistants put you in law offices and businesses, assisting lawyers as they build cases and protect assets.

Top Industry: Though the vast majority of trained paralegals and legal assistants work in the legal industry and saw mean annual earnings of $46,110 in 2007, those working in the federal government earned $59,180.

Top Location: The District of Columbia is the top-paying employer nationwide for paralegals and legal assistants, with mean annual earnings of $57,450. The tiny district also had the highest concentration of workers in the field in the nation.

Master's Degree: MBA in Finance

The popular MBA takes a technical turn with a finance concentration. Forbes cites finance degrees on its list of most lucrative college majors, noting a salary growth that soars over $84,000 for those with 10 or more years of experience. You may see even more impressive earnings if you're smart about your industry and location.

Top Industry: Personal financial advisors see a lot of success in the legal services industry, where mean annual earnings were $103,990 in 2007.

Top Location: New York has long been known as a financial hub, and for good reason. Financial analysts working in the state saw mean annual earnings of $100,350 in 2007. That same year, personal financial advisors in the state earned $131,660.

Bachelor's Degree: Computer Engineering

This high-tech degree is in high demand -- Forbes calls it the most lucrative college major available, and even graduates with a bachelor's degree and up to five years of experience earn a whopping average salary of $60,500.

Top Industry: Computer engineers break out of the cubicle in scientific research and development services, a top-paying industry for systems software engineers with annual mean earnings of $102,790.

Top Location: California remains the go-to state for IT professionals, with applications engineers earning $95,820. However, systems software engineers in Virginia earned a whopping $101,850 in 2007, making the southern state a six-figure surprise location for computer engineers.

Earnings vary greatly based on experience and education, and your experience may vary, but an education can be the best way to secure employment in these challenging, growing, lucrative fields.

Amelia Gray is a freelance writer in Austin, Texas. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature from Arizona State University and an MFA from Texas State University.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, December 15, 2008

Kesempatan Kerja

Kesempatan Kerja

Lintasarta membuka kesempatan kerja untuk posisi Account Executive.


Adapun syarat-syaratnya sbb. :


1.      Keahlian Teknis:

           Mengetahui tentang Komunikasi Data

           Dapat mengoperasikan komputer min. Microsoft Office, OpenOffice

           Mampu melakukan analisa, evaluasi dan laporan kerja


2.      Keahlian Non Teknis :

           Mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik

           Mempunyai jiwa sales yang tinggi

           Mempunyai kemampuan presentasi

           Mempunyai kemampuan bernegosiasi

           Mempunyai relasi dan wawasan yang luas

           Berpenampilan menarik

           Bersedia bekerja dalam target

           Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem komisi

           Mempunyai Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan


3.      Pendidikan & Pengalaman:

          Minimal D3 dari semua jurusan

Diutamakan yang mempunyai pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang sales


4.      Usia : maksimum 30 tahun


Bagi yang memenuhi syarat-syarat tsb. diatas dapat mengajukan surat lamaran dan mengisi Formulir Lamaran.


Petunjuk pengisian Formulir Lamaran:

  • Silakan download file Formulir Lamaran
  • Isi file sesuai dengan data pribadi Anda
  • Save dengan format: AE_Nama Lengkap_Tgl, bln & thn Lahir (misalnya: AE_Santi Dewanti_170877
  • E-mail dengan SUBJECT: AE_Nama Lengkap_Tgl, bln & thn Lahir ke alamat

Pelaksanaan rekrutmen


Bagi calon pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan di proses dan akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti proses rekrutmen.


Silakan baca petunjuk berikut untuk memperlancar pelaksanaan rekrutmen.

Petunjuk pelaksanaan rekrutmen:

  • Rekrutmen akan dimulai pada pukul 08.00 WIB sampai dengan selesai (sekitar pukul 17.00 WIB).
  • Harap tiba di lokasi 15 menit sebelum rekrutmen dimulai.
  • Pada saat rekrutmen, Pelamar diminta membawa Perlengkapan berikut:
    • Keterangan diri asli (KTP/SIM)
    • Pas Foto 3x4, berwarna atau hitam putih (2 lembar)
  • Pada saat rekrutmen kenakan pakaian rapi dan sopan :
    • Laki-laki: kemeja lengan panjang, celana panjang kain
    • Perempuan: blus/blazer/kemeja lengan panjang, celana panjang/rok kain

Atas partisipasi Saudara kami ucapkan terima kasih dan Semoga Sukses!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, November 29, 2008






1. 1. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan Lembar Jawaban Komputer peserta Seleksi Tertulis Pengadaan CPNS Departemen Perhubungan Tahun 2008, maka telah ditetapkan kelulusan seleksi tertulis;

<2. Bagi yang dinyatakan Lulus Seleksi Tertulis berhak untuk mengikuti seleksi lanjutan berupa Seleksi Keahlian dan Keterampilan (psikotest) dan wawancara yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 November 2008 untuk lokasi Jakarta dan pada tanggal 18 November 2008 untuk lokasi Semarang, Surabaya, Medan dan Makassar;

<3. Pada saat Seleksi Keahlian Dan Keterampilan peserta diwajibkan membawa :






Untuk Informasi lebih lengkap klik di pengumumanhasilseleksitertulis

atau di sini

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lowongan pekerjaan Urgently required


Perusahaan penerbitan buku berskala nasional membutuhkan tenaga:



Dengan kualifikasi:

1. Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan
2. mempunyai SIM A/C usia maksimal 28 tahun
3. mau bekerja keras dalam sebuah tim
4. Jujur dan bertanggung jawab
5. Diutamakan yang berpengalaman
6. Siap ditugaskan ke luar kota dalam keadaan apapun

Bagi yang berminat mohon kirim lamaran dan curriculum vitae ke:


PT Je Pe Press Media Utama

Jl. Kerah Agung No. 45 Surabaya

Lowongan pekerjaan di PT CORT INDONESIA

PT CORT INDONESIA tuh diatas ada lowongan cepetan ya, ini serius bener ga main main

Electric, acoustic guitar & amplifier

Kami perusahaan PMA sedang membutuhkan tenaga muda yang dapat bekerja keras untuk di tempatkan pada bagian:

R & D (Research & Development)

Dengan kualifikasi

- pria / wanita, usia mak 30 th

- S1 tek. Mesin, tek. Elektrinika, T. Komputer, nilai minimum 2,75

- AutoCAD 3D, Cad Cam, NC Program

- Lebih disukai dapat memainkan gitar elektrik dan banyak mengenalnya

- Berpenampilan menarik dan tidak berkacamata

- Dapat berbahasa inggris lisan maupun tulisan

Yang berminat segera kirim lamaran sertakan nomor hp/telp foto berwarna ukuran (4×6) 2 lembar dan daftar riwayat hidup ke alamat:

Kawasan Berikat

Ngoro Industri Persada (NIP)

Blok G-5, 6 Desa / Kecamatan Ngoro Kabupaten Mojokerto




bro and bre kabar baru new vacancy di atas cepetan buruan ntar telat lageeee

Membutuhkan beberapa:


Yang dinamis untuk memasarkan Mechanical / Hydraulic Seals, Comtec, Filter Screen, Solar Energy produk perawatan untuk industri dan alat-alat berat untuk wilayah Jawa Timur


- Sarjana Teknik Mesin

- Memiliki pengalaman di bidang penjualan pompa

- Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dan menyukai penjualan

- Memiliki kendaraan roda 4 pribadi dan note book

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV yagn dilampiri surat keterangan kelakuan baik dari kepolisian dan foto 4×6 ke:

PT Megatama Putra Mulia Ranau

Jl. Diponegoro No. 186 Ungaran 50519 Jawa Tengah

Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT Ethica Industri Farmasi

LOWONGAN KERJA Baru Buruan bro dan bre, bagi sis dan ses dan mble

PT Ethica Industri Farmasi, perusahaan farmasi yang sedang berkembang mengajak Sumber Daya Manusia potensional yang dinamis dan memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk menerima tantangan sebagai:

1. Medical Representative (MR)

- laki-laki / perempuan max 29 tahun

- pendidikan SMA / sederajat

- memiliki sepeda motor & SIM C

- Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh kota besar di Indonesia

2. Admin (Adm)

- Perempuan max 28 tahun

- Pendidikan min D3

- Meguasai Ms. Office

- Bersedia ditempatkan disurabaya dan Jakarta

3. QC Analyst (QC)

- Laki/perempuan max 29 tahun

- Pendidikan min SMA / AMK / D3 Farmasi / Analis kimia

Tulis lamaran dikanan amplop

CV Kongko Kongko Network

CV Kongko Kongko Network, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Facility, promosi, dan bisnis internet, membuka lowongan untuk posisi: WEB DEVELOPER.


* Pria/Wanita, berpenampilan menarik
* Usia maks. 22 tahun
* Menguasai PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, dan AJAX
* Mampu membuat desain web
* Pengalaman tidak diutamakan
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim dan di bawah tekanan
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris pasif

VAcancy at Banyan Tree Spa Bintan

Broo ada lowongan baru lagi neh, nih bahasa inggrisnya , biar pada latihan bahasa inggris ya

The multiple award-winning Banyan Tree Spa has been conceptualized as a “Sanctuary for the Senses” and spans over 60 outlets around the world and is still growing. Joining the group does not have to restrict your choices to the Banyan Tree brand, though, as Banyan Tree’s sister company, Angsana Spa, is also part of the family.

As a growing global organization, Banyan Tree is committed to providing staff with a career in which they can grow and develop into talented and motivated individuals. The group is bonded by a pursuit of excellence to both the guest as well as to the individual’s own high standards.

Banyan Tree Spa Bintan is looking for highly motivated and competent personnel to be part of our dynamic team. We are invite applications for the following positions:

1. Spa Manager / Assistant Spa Manager
2. Spa HR Executive
3. Spa Receptionist
4. Spa Trainer
5. Spa Therapist


For Positions No. 1 & 2

* Proven track record in the same / similar capacity for a minimum of 2 years
* 4-5 Star hotels / resorts experience(s) preferred
* Computer savvy and proficient in Microsoft Office and Outlook
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
* Good command of verbal and written English
* Positive approach to customer service
* Posses good working attitude and strong initiatives
* Pleasant physical appearance
* Ability to speak foreign language(s), will be an added advantage
* Female candidate preferred

For Position No. 3

* Maximum 28 years of age
* Minimum height of 158 cm and pleasant physical appearance
* 4-5 Star hotels / resorts experience(s) preferred
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
* Good command of English
* Positive approach to customer service
* Posses good working attitude and strong initiatives
* Ability to speak foreign language(s), will be an added advantage
* Female candidate preferred

For Positions No. 4 & 5

* Female candidate, maximum 28 years of age
* Minimum height of 158 cm and pleasant physical appearance
* 4-5 Star Hotels / Resorts experience(s) preferred
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
* Ability to communicate in English
* Positive approach to customer service
* Posses good working attitude and strong initiatives
* Ability to speak foreign language(s), will be an added advantage
* Willing to be deployed overseas properties within the group

Banyan Tree Bintan offers attractive remuneration package & staff benefits:

Staff Recreation Center
Internet surfing, Play Station, etc.

Staff Gym
Complete with new fitness equipments.

Career Growth Opportunity
Career development program and overseas employment opportunities to our sister properties in the Middle East, China, Africa, Latin America and other exotic destinations.

Free Transportation and Accommodation
Housing and transportation for all associates are provided for.

Lifestyle and Healthy Living Program
Monthly workshops to improve lifestyle and promote healthy living.

Interested candidates are invited to email or send your application together with a recent photograph, stating your current and expected salary to:

Spa HR Department
Banyan Tree Spa Bintan
Jalan Teluk Berembang
Laguna Bintan, Bintan Resorts
Lagoi 29155

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified

Lowongan Kerja Hotel Redtop Jakarta

Lowongan Kerja Hotel Redtop Jakarta

Broo nih ada lowongan baru

REDTOP Hotel Jakarta, a 4 stars hotel is urgently looking for the RIGHT person to fulfill the following positions :

  • Financial Controller
  • Duty Manager
  • Asst. Chief Engineer
  • AP Supervisor

General Requirements :

- Hotel Industrial background
- Min 2 years experience in similar position
- FC is preferable Chinese
- Fluent in English, excellent communication
- Good leadership skill
- Good personality & appearance
- Hard worker, highly motivated and customer oriented

Please send your application letter along with your detail CV and recent photograph to

Konatk aja email neh /

Put the position you would like to apply as subject.
Only short listed candidates will be notified

cepetan Keburu Telat Ntar Nganggur loh

Mau CPNS ke sini

Vacancy at PT Mitra Adiperkasa, Tbk (Food & Beverage Concepts)

We are a leading retail company in Indonesia managing various premium brands of food & beverage concept and now looking for talented candidates to join our team as follow:

BACK END (OFFICE) for Jakarta based:

* Marketing Manager
* District Manager
* Purchasing Supervisor
* Drafter
* Call Center Helpdesk
* Technician

FRONT END (OPERATION) for Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Bali based:

* Restaurant Manager
* Store Manager
* Asst. Store Manager
* Barista
* Crew & Crew Leader
* Delivery Crew


* Male or female minimum D4 - S1 degree in Hotel & Restaurant, Tourism, Management, Administration, and relevant experience (Office).
* Male or female minimum D1 - D3 or equivalent (Operation), fresh graduate are welcome to apply (Barista).
* Minimum experience 3 years for Manager, 1 year for Asst. Manager and Quick Service Restaurant/QSR for Supervisor level.
* Strong organizational communication, people development and leadership skill (Manager).
* Having experience in fast food industry is advantage (Crew & Crew Leader) -Service-oriented, costumer service, pleasant and outgoing personality.
* Ability to converse effectively in English & computer literate is an advantage.
* Able to work with flexible time and having a driving license (Delivery.Crew)


Please send your resume (certificate, ID card, work reference & photograph) and put the position code you wish to apply as a subject email or letter to:

Email: or PO.BOX 4338 JKP 10043

Gak usah cpns deh

Vacancy at PT Kalbe Farma Tbk.

PT Kalbe Farma Tbk., a leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, URGENTLY needs a dynamic and self-driven professional to fulfill the position as a :

IT Programmer - Business Intelligence

Make an analysis report with BI, Asp.Net within Kalbe Group

Qualifications :

  • A Graduate of Technology Information
  • Minimum GPA 3.0 / 4.0 from any reputable university
  • Male/ female
  • Below 35 years old
  • Having at least 2 ys of experience as a programmer analyst
  • Good analytical skill & programming skill (Asp.Net, SQL, & BI)

Should you meet all the above qualifications, please write ITBI code on the upper left corner of the envelope and send your application ASAP, please give us a detailed CV with a recent photograph and other relevant information to:

HR Corporate
PT Kalbe Farma, Tbk
KALBE Building
Jl. Letjen. Suprapto kav. IV
Jakarta Pusat 10510
Email :

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Freelance writer Job

Want to get freelance, maybe you need to try this one. Freelance writer Job
there are various kind of freelance job

maybe you can just try this Freelance world jobs online, all you need to do is write as third party, some asking you to write something and they will owe you and give you money.
second is Blog making money, you write something on your blog, and you get money from it, you have to responsible to your own blog,
and Freelance designer, if you like to design, maybe you can this kind of job, maybe you need to get partner with someone know design promotion
and there are many job in internet like web
Freelance online, Freelance editor, Freelance business, Make money online, Freelance journalist, Freelance needed

interview tips

For those of you who called for a job interview, you should consider some suggestions below.
Make sure you know where the interview. Suggested a few days before the interview, you already know the place, even already see the place.
If not told beforehand what type of clothing that must be used, then use the formal clothes, clean and tidy.
Read the back of applications, your CV, and summons the interview. Do not forget to bring your letters or documents and equipment write the time of the interview.

Prepare to answer the various questions that may be the interviewer asked. You should practice with colleagues to anticipate all possible questions that will get the interviewer, so that any questions submitted can be answered with satisfaction.
You can use the "list / example questions" (click) on this site to practice answering with your partners.
Before departing to a place interviews, the first line on your confidence.

Try to arrive ten minutes early, if forced too late because no interruption in travel immediately inform the company (the interviewer). However, do not earn too late, because many companies that failed to finish when you are late.

But satpam or receptionist that you met with a friendly.
If you must fill out a form, fill with a complete and orderly.
Greetings (good morning / afternoon / evening) to the interviewer, and if you need to shake hands, jabatlah closely with (not too hard but not weak).
Remain standing until you are welcome to sit. Sit with a vertical position and balanced.

Prepare an application letter, your CV, and summons the interview.
Remember the good name of the interviewer.
Make eye contact with the interviewer.
Keeping the focus on the questions asked the interviewer.
Show your enthusiasm and interest in the position that dilamar and on the company.

Use the formal language, not jargon or language Stop; interviewed unless you are able to use such language.
Show the positive things that you never achieve.
Show the energy and confidence high, but do not effectively boastful or arrogant. Many who failed only because of constant boastful, arrogant, or quasi know.

Indicate what you can do to companies that can not be given to you by the company.
Describe as detailed as possible the things asked by the interviewer.
Ask some questions about the quality of your work and the company's business in general.

Speaking with a strong enough voice so clearly heard by the interviewer.
End the interview by asking what should you do next.
Speak many thanks to the interviewer for their time and the opportunity given to you


Kami sebuah perusahaan industri kimia yang berlokasi di Tambun, Bekasi pada saat ini memerlukan tenaga Staff Administrasi yang handal untuk ditempatkan di bagian HR dan Sales Administration dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:


· Pria berbadan sehat usia maksimal 27 tahun
· Pendidikan S1 Management atau Bisnis International
· Lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
· Menguasai komputer Ms. Office atau SAP
· Memiliki leadership dan motivasi yang tinggi
· Dapat bekerja dalam team ataupun sendiri
· Bersedia mengikuti seleksi yang diadakan oleh perusahaan di Tambun Bekasi


· Pria berbadan sehat usia maksimal 27 tahun
· Pendidikan S1 Management atau Psikolog
· Lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
· Menguasai komputer Ms. Office
· Memiliki leadership dan motivasi yang tinggi
· Dapat bekerja dalam team ataupun sendiri
· Bersedia mengikuti seleksi yang diadakan oleh perusahaan di Tambun Bekasi

Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria diatas dapat segera mengajukan lamaran melalui surat atau e-mail yang ditujukan kepada:

HR Division
PT Kao Indonesia Chemicals
Jl. Raya Tambun Km. 42, Tambun Bekasi 17510
e-mail :


Kami sebuah perusahaan industri kimia yang berlokasi di Tambun, Bekasi pada saat ini memerlukan tenaga Staff Administrasi yang handal untuk ditempatkan di bagian HR dan Sales Administration dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:


· Pria berbadan sehat usia maksimal 27 tahun
· Pendidikan S1 Management atau Bisnis International
· Lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
· Menguasai komputer Ms. Office atau SAP
· Memiliki leadership dan motivasi yang tinggi
· Dapat bekerja dalam team ataupun sendiri
· Bersedia mengikuti seleksi yang diadakan oleh perusahaan di Tambun Bekasi


· Pria berbadan sehat usia maksimal 27 tahun
· Pendidikan S1 Management atau Psikolog
· Lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
· Menguasai komputer Ms. Office
· Memiliki leadership dan motivasi yang tinggi
· Dapat bekerja dalam team ataupun sendiri
· Bersedia mengikuti seleksi yang diadakan oleh perusahaan di Tambun Bekasi

Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria diatas dapat segera mengajukan lamaran melalui surat atau e-mail yang ditujukan kepada:

HR Division
PT Kao Indonesia Chemicals
Jl. Raya Tambun Km. 42, Tambun Bekasi 17510
e-mail :

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Carlsberg Film Do you know about Carlsberg.yes it is drink products, it is famous production of drinks. and now Carlsberg has already launched- some kind of TV channel. just go to the site and you will shown beautiful flash aware, you have to be legal drinking age. it is talk about football and fan life.
The name of sites is football web-TV-channel
the channel broadcasts 5 channels and sgows all features from classic football matches to life as a fan.don't forget to view all video clips about football funnies and rituals from footbals magic
there is an axtras feature that you can upload your video to the sites, it allows you from youtube.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Business Loan

Nowadays and to day business life we really don't know what will happen? We may need Unsecured Business Loans at some time, in order to solve our business problems. Because it is not an static thing, one day it may have gain and on on the other day it may have loss. At the same time it is not that much easy to get Small Business Loan from the loan companies. But here I will tell a solution for all of your business problems. Accommodative Financial Solutions offers us short term business loans without any need of security and it is very easy to get the loans from them. okay thats all hope you enjoy it

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

America Should Pick Georgia Over Russia

America Should Pick Georgia Over Russia
Mohammed's piece on today's Wall Street Journal;

The war between Russia and Georgia -- and particularly what Russia aspires to gain from this showdown -- may have future consequences for the situation in the Middle East. It may also have the potential to alter the existing world order and restore a condition somewhat similar to what we had in the Cold War era.

A recent statement by Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov caught my attention: "We understand that this current Georgian leadership is a special project of the United States, but one day the United States will have to choose between defending its prestige over a virtual project or real partnership which requires joint action."
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Web Programmer at

vacancy as: Web Programmer

He/she need to support his/her supervisor , to do web design.

- Female/ Male (25 – 27 year old)
- Holding D3 Informatics Eng

- Experience 1- 2 years as Web designer or Web Administer, using Mic Visual Net/ASP Net ; Mic SQL Server-Query Analyzer

Those who is interested is welcome to apply and send CV + application letter to :

Web Programmer at

vacancy as: Web Programmer

He/she need to support his/her supervisor , to do web design.

- Female/ Male (25 – 27 year old)
- Holding D3 Informatics Eng

- Experience 1- 2 years as Web designer or Web Administer, using Mic Visual Net/ASP Net ; Mic SQL Server-Query Analyzer

Those who is interested is welcome to apply and send CV + application letter to :

PT. Global Informasi Bermutu (GTV)

PT. Global Informasi Bermutu (GTV) was established in March 22nd, 1999. Since it first aired in October 8th 2001, GLOBAL TV has quickly positioned itself as the youngest, private, national coverage TV station in Indonesia targeted for young audience. In 2006, GLOBAL TV launched its new vision in becoming to concentrate on serving the young family from all social segments. Global TV is indirectly own by PT. Bimantara through PT. Media Nusantara Citra (MNC).

We are looking for Qualified candidates to fill this vacancy as:

Production Crew
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Barat)


* Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Journalism, Art/Design/Creative Multimedia, Mass Communications, Music/Performing Arts Studies or equivalent.
* Preferred skill(s): TV Production
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Position available: Production Assistant, Producer Assistant, Floor Director, Producer & Creative

Those interested are invited to apply. Please send your latest CV, including your current and expected salary, at the latest 2 weeks after this announcement, to:
e-mail : id or send to

Wisma Indovision 17Fl. Jln. Raya panjang Z / III Green Garden
Jakarta Barat 11520

All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
(Please state the position or code you apply )
Note : Only short-listed candidates will be notified

More info about GTV please see our website at

Vacancy at PT Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo

PT Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo (previously PT Sorini Towa Berlian Corporation) is a joint venture company producing polyol products as a synergy of strengths among PT SORINI AGRO ASIA CORPORINDO, Tbk Indonesia (previously PT SORINI CORPORATION, Tbk Indonesia), MITSUBISHI SHOJI FOODTECH CO.,LTD - Japan (previously TOWA CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO. Ltd. Japan) and MITSUBISHI CORPORATION – Japan.


To strengthen our rapid and continuing growth leading joint venture chemical company in Asia with worldwide market, we invite highly qualified and deeply committed professional, for the position of :



Qualification :

University graduate majoring in Economy Accounting, min. GPA 2.9
Having 2 (two) years experience in similar position
English language & computer literacy (MS Office) is a must.
Have analytical thinking and communication skill
Hardworker, willing to improve and honest
Ready to be Interviewed and willing to stay in Beji Pasuruan


Qualification :

University degree with any major, min. GPA 2.75
Having 2 (two) years experience in similar position
English language & computer literacy (MS Office) is a must, Japanese/ Mandarin Language understanding will be preferable
Have analytical thinking, leadership and communication skill
Ready to be Interviewed and willing to stay in Beji Pasuruan


Qualification :

University graduate majoring in Economy Accounting, min. GPA 2.9
Having 3 (three) years experience in similar position
English language & computer literacy (MS Office) is a must.
Have analytical thinking and communication skill
Hardworker, result oriented, willing to improve and honest
Ready to be Interviewed and willing to stay in Beji Pasuruan

Please send your Application letter, CV (phone no.), recent photographs and supporting documents to :

HR Department
PT Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo (STBC)

via E-mail to :
Website :

PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia

PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia, a subsidiary of Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. Japan, is now looking for qualified people to fill vacant positions in its office in Jakarta. If you enjoy challenge, creative, self-motivated, able to work autonomously, a team player and also have relevant experience, then we are the company for


Assisting Audit Team Leader, you will be responsible to prepare audit plan, perform internal audit and follow up audit findings and prepare audit reports.


Experience in Internal Audit in banking for minimum 2 years.
Bachelor degree holder.
Fluent in English, both spoken and written (min. TOEIC score equiv. 700 or TOEFL of min. 550).
Posses the service attitude.
Strong team leadership.
High achievers (performance oriented).
Good in operating MS-Office (Word, Excel & Power Point).
Possess high sense of Risk Awareness, Compliance and Integrity.
Strong Service-Excellence mind-set and Communication skill.

Qualified incumbents,please send your application letter,CV and a recent photograph via e-mail by quoting the job code in the email subject to:



ANZ is accelerating the growth of its business to meet the needs of more customers in Asia. Our solid foundation for significant growth and investment has been built over more than 35 years since ANZ opened its first office in Asia. We recognize our greatest asset is our people. That is why we are creating a unique climate of inspiration, leadership and great opportunities that will be enable the best in market to thrive as part of our diverse team.

ANZ is planning a rapid expansion of its Retail Network and Corporate Banking in Indonesia. Over the next five years our aim is for our business to grow rapidly and become a significant major bank in Indonesia. To support this growth there are currently a number of graduate opportunities within our Corporate Banking and Retail Team. We invite applications from talented applicants who are suitably qualified, committed and Indonesian citizens.

We seek high potential officers who have the ability to progress into Management in the future in Corporate Banking and Retail Banking. Successful candidates will be provided with on the job training and career development opportunities.


Essential Requirements:

* Fresh graduate, male or female, age max 28 years old
* University graduate from reputable university, preferably overseas graduate with GPA minimum 3.0
* Excellent communication skills in English and Indonesia
* Focused on fostering innovation
* Excellent interpersonal & communication skill
* Excellent analytical skills and numerical agility with strong problem solving ability
* Self initiative, enthusiastic in learning new things, high motivation and committed
* Computer literacy (Words, Excel, Power Point)

We offer an attractive remuneration package, opportunities for job attachment and overseas training to ANZ in Asia countries and career development. Please send your application, resume, scanned academic transcript and formal education certificate within one week of this advertisement to:

All applicants will be treated as strictly confidential. Please indicate the position in your e-mail subject (GRADUATE TRAINEE APPLICATION)




Thursday, September 18, 2008


will come soon
so stay tune
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lowongan Pertamina september

Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pekerja di lingkungan

Daerah Operasi Unit Pengolahan (UP) II, III, IV, V & VII PT.PERTAMINA (PERSERO) membutuhkan 201 orang lulusan Diploma 3/Sederajat untuk dipekerjakan sebagai Operator dan Teknisi Kilang dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

PERSYARATAN UMUM :Lowongan Pertamina september

1. Jenis kelamin laki-laki; Status belum menikah bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, kecuali bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
2. Pendidikan terakhir D3 jurusan Teknik Kimia (TK), Analis Kimia (AK), Teknik Listrik – Arus Kuat (TLA), Mesin (TM), Instrumen/Elektroni ka (TIE), Lingkungan (TL), Teknik Pengolahan Migas (TPM).
3. Bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina, minimal pengalaman kerja 3 tahun di Pertamina UP tujuan lamaran.
4. IPK minimal 2.75.
5. Usia maksimal 24 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau maksimal 32 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
6. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm.
7. Tercatat sebagai pencari kerja di Kantor Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) setempat.
8. Bebas narkoba.
9. Berbadan sehat, tidak buta warna, dan diutamakan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
10. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO).
11. Lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi.

Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, dapat mengajukan surat lamaran dengan melampirkan dokumen :
a. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
b. Copy ijazah D3 & SMA/sederajat yang telah dilegalisir
c. Copy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang
d. Copy akte kelahiran/surat kenal lahir dari instansi berwenang
e. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian setempat
f. Surat Pernyataan Diri Bebas Narkoba di atas materai Rp.6.000,-
g. Copy KTP/SIM yang masih berlaku
h. Copy Kartu Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning/Hijau) yang masih berlaku
i. 3 (tiga) lembar pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 (berwarna)
j. Alamat untuk surat panggilan (alamat terakhir dan kode pos).

Alamat lamaran :

Proses seleksi akan dilaksanakan di 5 (lima) wilayah Unit Pengolahan, yaitu: UP II–Dumai, UP III–Plaju, UP IV–Cilacap, UP V–Balikpapan, dan UP VII–Sorong, dan sekitarnya atau di tempat lain yang akan ditentukan kemudian.

Pelamar agar mengirimkan lamaran ke wilayah Unit Pengolahan terdekat dengan domisili/daerah asalnya.

Lamaran harus dikirimkan melalui Pos dalam amplop tertutup (pelamar t id ak boleh menyampaikan langsung atau melalui perantara) dan dilalamatkan kepada:

1. Team Rekrutasi
P.O.BOX 1122

2. Tim Rekrutasi
PO BOX 1111
Palembang 30000

3. Tim Rekrutasi Pertamina UP IV Cilacap
PO BOX 2008
Cilacap 53200

4. Tim Rekrutasi PO BOX NO. 634,
Balikpapan 76100

5. Tim Rekrutasi Pertamina UP VII Sorong
PO BOX 283, Sorong

Pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran, cantumkan kode jurusan bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau “OS” bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.

Lamaran selambat-lambatnya diterima tanggal: 30 September 2008 (stempel pos).

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes/seleksi dan tidak dikenakan biaya apapun (tanpa biaya).

Lamaran yang disampaikan sebelum pengumuman ini tidak akan diproses, dan surat lamaran yang telah dikirim tidak akan dikembalikan.

Informasi lebih lanjut agar menghubungi UP tujuan lamaran atau Disnaker wilayah setempat.

Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan seleksi merupakan hak Tim Rekrutasi dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Operasional Staff Expanindo

Operasional Staff
Posted by: Expanindo

Posted date: 11-Sep-2008

Location: Lenteng Agung

event organizer yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi: Staff Operasional


- Max. 26 th

- Pria/wanita

- Bahasa Inggris aktif

- Menguasai MS Office

- Min. D3 semua bid. studi

- Pengalaman tidak diutamakan

- Dapat bekerjasama dalam team

- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik

- Mampu membuat proposal yang menarik

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV dan foto terbaru ke: (quota limited) atau ke

AdsSpy: 16 sites by this AdSense ID

Job Title Operasional Staff
Post Details
Posted By Expanindo
Job Function Staff
Start Date 5 Oktober 2008
Salary negotiable
Cell Phone
Location Lenteng Agung

Deadline 25-Sep-2008

Location Location -> DKI Jakarta
Job Type Job Type -> Full-time
Job Classification Job Classification -> Various Jobs
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Sales Executive


Posted date: 12-Sep-2008

Location: Cikarang

PT. LOTRON INDONESIA bergerak di bidang textil interlining saat ini membutuhkan beberapa orang karyawan untuk menduduki posisi:

1. Sales Executive


a. Pria / Wanita usia maksimum 25 tahun

b. S1 lebih diutamakan jurusan marketing/public relation dengan IPK minimal 3.00 skala 4.00 (fresh graduate)

c. Berpenampilan dan berkepribadian menarik

d. Mempunyai SIM A dan dapat mengendarai kendaraan roda empat

e. Dapat bekerja sendiri maupun team

f. Jujur, disiplin, ulet dan bertanggung jawab

g. Bersedia ditempatkan di Cikarang

AdsSpy: 16 sites by this AdSense ID

Job Title Sales Executive
Post Details
Job Function Sales Executive
Start Date October 2008
Cell Phone
Location Cikarang

Deadline 26-Sep-2008

Location Location -> DKI Jakarta
Job Type Job Type -> Permanent
Job Classification Job Classification -> Manufacturing
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Drug Rehab at

The majority of the teenagers of people particularly become poisoned with drugs finish finally upwards while becoming a responsibility at the company which they are inside. It is a threat which impregnates all the layers of the company in the modern world, particularly in the richer Western countries. The majority of the teenagers of people particularly that the fanatics obtain finally finish becoming to the top a burden on the company, they are fanatic never worry about the values in the life! They do not have any affection for their families or affinity towards their country. Drug-addiction became a serious problem for the governments of much of country. is one of the most famous site of the establishment with the drug and the readjustment of the public

Drug-addiction became a serious problem for the governments of much of country. Million dollars is spent by systematic program of these governments to prevent people from falling into drug and to bring the cure to those which are already devoted to drugs. It is as the slow poison with a nation which leads to its destruction. Chapman House Inc., is such a center of rehabilitation of drug located in orange, CA with the service of detox of readjustment of drug of 12 stages and drug rehab  and the Web site at

The service of treatment of drug provided by Chapman House that the Inc. is one of best in the treatment of drug-addiction in the world. They provide the treatment of drug and drugs in a hospital dope the unit of readjustment and to make sure that the patients recover.
drug detoxification in also offers the intervention of Room of Chapman of family, the psychological test, the test of drug and other services to help the abuse end. provides to users equipment to be recovered drug and to provide to fanatics a novel mode of life and a new lease of the life. The site actuates twenty-four hours per day, 7 days per week and is always ready to answer all the questions of the users about drug-addiction and the relative problems. Visit just the site so that you can collect more information.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Lowongan Kerja Hotel Padma Bali

Lowongan Kerja Hotel Padma Bali 
A hideaway 5 Stars Resort, Hotel Padma Bali is situated on Legian’s legendary sunset beach just outside Kuta.

We are currently offering the opportunity to highly committed individuals with relevant skills and experiences for the following positions:

* Marketing & Communication Manager
* Sales Manager
* Asst. Chief ENG
* Guest Relation Officer (speak English & Japanese)
* Guest Relation Officer (speak English & Russian)
* Guest Service Officer
* Garden Club Lounge Staff
* Telephone Operator
* Pastry - CDP
* Pastry - 2nd Commis
* Waiter / Waitress
* Cook Helper
* Beauty Salon Staff

General qualification:

* Relevant Educational background.
* Good Communication skills both Written and Spoken English.
* High sense of customer service oriented.
* Outgoing personality.
* Good Attitude
* Able to work in a Team

Other qualifications:

1. Marketing & Communication Manager


-Female, 25 - 35 years old.
-Overseas exposure education and / or working experience.
-Excellent communication skills both written and spoken English.
-Strong administrative skills.
-Strong leadership, creative, energetic.
-Computer literate (including Photoshop).

2. Sales Manager.


-Male / Female, 25 - 35 years old.
-Overseas exposure education and / or working experience.
-Proven track record in similar capacity in five-stars hotel.
-Min. 3 years experience in a similar position.
-Excellent communication skills both written and spoken English.
-Computer literate.
-Creative, Energetic.

3. Asst. Chief ENG


-Male, 25 - 35 years old.
-Bachelor / S1 degree in ENG
-Proven track record in similar capacity in five-stars hotel.
-Min. 3 years experience in a similar position.
-Computer literate.
-Able to work under pressure

4. Guest Relation Officer


-Female, 21 - 24 years old.
-Min. Diploma 3.
-Min. 1-year experience in a similar position.
-Fresh graduate are welcome
-Excellent communication skills both written and spoken English, other Languages will be advantage point.

5. Guest Relation Officer (speak English & Russian)


-Male / Female, 21 - 24 years old.
-Min. Diploma 3.
-Min. 1-year experience in a similar position.
-Fresh graduate are welcome.
-Computer literate.
-Good Communication Skills (English & Russian), Written and Spoken

6. Guest Service Officer


-Female, 21 - 24 years old.
-Min. Diploma 3
-Min. 1-year experience in a similar position.
-Fresh graduate are welcome
-Excellent communication skills both written and spoken English, other Languages will be advantage point.
-Computer literate.

7. Garden Club Lounge Staff


-Female, 21 - 24 years old.
-Min. Diploma 3 (F & B Service back ground)
-Fresh graduate
-Computer literate.
-Good communication skills both written and spoken English, other Languages will be advantage point.

8. Telephone Operator


-Female, 21 - 24 years old.
- Min. Diploma 3
-Min. 1-year experience in a similar position.
-Fresh graduate are welcome
-Excellent communication skills both written and spoken English, other Languages will be advantage point.
-Computer literate.

9. Pastry - CDP


-Male / Female, 21 - 25 years old.
-Min. Diploma 2.
-Min. 2 years experience in a similar position.

10. Pastry - 2nd Commis:


-Male / Female, 21 - 25 years old.
-Min. Diploma 2.
-Min. 1-year experience in a similar position.

11. Waiter / Waitress:


-Male / Female, 21 - 25 years old.
-Min. Diploma 2.
-Min. 1-year experience in a similar position.
-Fresh graduate are welcome.

12. Cook Helper:


-Male / Female, 21 - 25 years old.
-Min. Diploma 2.
-Min. 1-year experience in a similar position.
-Fresh graduate are welcome.

13. Beauty Salon Staff:


-Female, 21 - 25 years old.
-Relevant educational back ground ( in Beauty Salon & Spa )
-Min. 1-year experience in a similar position.
-Fresh graduate are welcome.

Qualified applicants can send their resume/CV and recent photograph immediately to or

Hotel Padma Bali
Jln. Padma No. 1 Legian, PO Box 1107 TBB, Bali Indonesia
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Lowongan Kerja Aryaduta Suites Hotel Semanggi

The Aryaduta Suites Hotel Semanggi, with its 56 floors, stands tall in the heart of Jakarta. Featuring 273 spacious and modernly appointed suites, the Hotel offers the very best ‘in home comfort’ and life style living, right in the heart of Sudirman business center and just next to Plaza Semanggi shopping complex, and only 45 minutes drive from Soekarno Hatta International Airport.

To support our business we challenge you to join our professional team as:


General Qualification:

  • 1 – 3 Female, 4 – 7 Male
  • Age 20 – 30 years old
  • Minimum degree Diploma I in hospitality
  • Good looking & costumer focus
  • 1 & 2 Minimum height 165 cm
  • Minimum 2 years professional experience in 5 star hotel
  • Fluency in English both oral & writing is a must
  • Arabian speaking skill will be an advantage for 1 – 3

Please send your complete CV & the latest photograph to:

Aryaduta Suites Hotel Semanggi
Jl. Garnisun Dalam No. 8 Karet Semanggi
Jakarta Selatan 12930

or e-mail with attached file name : position & your name
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Faculty Vacancy- Engineering and Technology

Faculty Vacancy- Engineering and Technology

Position Description: Three full-time tenure track faculty positions teaching undergraduate lecture/lab engineering and technology courses primarily in the B.S. Engineering Technology and B.S. Manufacturing Engineering (ABET accredited) degree programs plus additional responsibilities.

Teaching Responsibilities: (assigned from the following subjects consistent with applicant’s experience and interest)

  • Automation
  • Foundry/Casting Processes
  • Hydraulics
  • Pneumatics
  • Welding
  • Machining / CAM
  • Mechanical Engineering Design
  • Heat Transfer / Thermodynamics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Tooling and Fixture Design
  • Research and Development

Non-Teaching Responsibilities: (may be assigned from the following)

  • Program Leadership
  • Student Organization Advisement
  • Capstone Experience Development
  • Graduate Program Development
  • International Education

Additional Duties/Responsibilities/Expectations:

  • Participate in program administration
  • Set-up, operate, maintain laboratories and equipment
  • Develop new labs as needed
  • Develop, conduct, and respond to research and training proposals relevant to the needs of industry
  • Develop and maintain contacts and liaison with industry and professional associations
  • Advise students
  • Participate in professional organization(s) directly related to industry
  • Develop and revise curriculum materials
  • Activities as stated in contract and UW-Stout faculty handbook
  • Teach in a cooperative educational setting using innovative teaching techniques
  • Computer literacy and expertise in industrial applications software
  • Provide courses in a variety of formats, times, and locations
  • Be supportive in working with diverse populations of students and staff


  • Required of all candidates
    • At least one degree in an Engineering or Technology field
    • Three years documented industrial experience (USA preferred)
    • Demonstration of ability to teach in a lecture/lab environment
    • Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written English communication
    • Masters required, doctorate preferred. Doctorate required for tenure.

Rank and Salary: Dependent upon qualifications and experience

Date of Appointment: August 2008

Review of applications will begin February 14, 2008 and continue until position is filled. To guarantee full consideration all materials should be received by this date. Applicants are instructed to send a cover letter with statements of their teaching interests, courses/labs development plan, experience and its appropriateness to the position, a resume, official transcripts mailed from the university for highest degree(s) held or in progress, and names of three references with current email addresses/phone numbers. Applicants, who have not requested in writing that their identity not be revealed, and all finalists’ names will be released upon request.

Department/Program Information: The Department of Engineering and Technology is one of four departments in the College of Technology, Engineering and Management (CTEM). The department has approximately 25 full time faculty and staff, four of which are full time technicians. The department provides courses for its well established programs in Manufacturing Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Packaging plus other programs throughout the university.

Contact Person:
Jean Price, Academic Department Associate
Engineering and Technology Department
University of Wisconsin-Stout
308 Fryklund Hall
Menomonie, WI 54751
Telephone: (715) 232-1686
Fax: (715) 232-1330

Employment is contingent upon passing a criminal background check. In compliance with the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act, the University does not discriminate on the basis of arrest or conviction record. A pending criminal charge or conviction will not necessarily disqualify an applicant.

University of Wisconsin-Stout is a 2001 Baldrige Award Recipient, supporting a progressive, learning-centered, quality-based educational environment that is focused on continuous improvement. UW-Stout is a digital campus and all faculty and staff are required to use available technology in their positions including course delivery. Increasingly, courses are offered via alternative delivery methods and time frames. UW-Stout faculty members are responsible for teaching, advising, research and scholarly activity, and service. UW-Stout values diversity of people, ideas and experiences and is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Strengths and Limitations of the Vacancy Engineering Approach for the Control of Dopant Diffusion and Activation in Silicon * printer-friendly

Strengths and Limitations of the Vacancy Engineering Approach for the Control of Dopant Diffusion and Activation in Silicon

* printer-friendly

Alain Claverie, Fuccio Cristiano, Mathieu Gavelle, Fabrice Sévérac, Frédéric Cayrel, Daniel Alquier, Wilfried Lerch, Silke Paul, Leonard Rubin, Vito Raineri, Filippo Giannazzo, Hervé Jaouen, Ardechir Pakfar, Aomar Halimaoui, Claude Armand, Nikolay Cherkashim, Olivier Marcelot
The fabrication of highly doped and ultra-shallow junctions in silicon is a very challenging problem for the materials scientist. The activation levels which are targeted are well beyond the solubility limit of current dopants in Si and, ideally, they should not diffuse during the activation annealing. In practice, the situation is even worse and when boron is implanted into silicon excess Si interstitial atoms are generated which enhance boron diffusion and favor the formation of Boron-Silicon Interstitials Clusters (BICs). An elegant approach to overcome these difficulties is to enrich the Si layers where boron will be implanted with vacancies before or during the activation annealing. Spectacular results have been recently brought to the community showing both a significant control over dopant diffusion and an increased activation of boron in such layers. In general, the enrichment of the Si layers with vacancies is obtained by Si+ implantation at high energy. We have recently developed an alternative approach in which the vacancies are injected from populations of empty voids undergoing Ostwald ripening during annealing. While different, the effects are also spectacular. The goal of this work is to establish a fair evaluation of these different approaches under technologically relevant conditions. The application domains of both techniques are discussed and future directions for their development/improvement are indicated.

Member Price: $0; Non-Member Price: $20.00
Track ID:
Paper #: 1070-E01-02

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Consultant, Prishtinë / Pristina
Closing Date: Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Tags: Capacity Building; Civil Service; Needs Assessment; Political Science; Procurement; Public Administration

Job Title
Organization Name
OSCE Mission in Kosovo-Assistance Department
Prishtinë / Pristina,CS

Closing Date of application
No. of Posts

The OSCE Mission has identified that the internal auditor, certifying officer, budget and finance division staff and procurement division staff of the legislative branch in Kosovo are lacking clear guidelines and on-job training to meet the professional requirements.
There is room for improvement in the area of communication between various divisions and units, and the procedure of channelling written and oral information within the legislative branch and also in budget planning. In coordination with other donors and building upon previous capacity building initiatives conducted by the OSCE Mission and other donors, it has been agreed that there is now need for international expertise to provide necessary guidance, training and expertise on management skills for the internal auditor, budget officer, procurement division staff and budget and finance division staff. In this way, the short term expert will help the administration department to function in a more efficient, transparent and accountable manner.
Tasks and Responsibilities

The expert is expected to provide the following:

  1. Targeted on-job trainings with members of the divisions for procurement; budget and finance; with the internal auditor; and with the certifying officer;
  2. An assessment of the strategic plan for future administrative and personnel needs of the divisions for procurement, budget and finance, and further training needs for the internal auditor and the certifying officer;

By mid October 2008, the Mission will receive a report of the expert's work with recommendations for future administrative and personnel needs of the administration department.

Necessary Qualifications

  • Extensive professional experience in addressing procurement, budget, internal audit and finance issues related to the administration of parliaments/assemblies
  • Extensive domestic work experience in democratic parliamentary structures e.g. as former member of a parliament, parliamentary advisor or senior parliamentary staff person
  • Extensive experience in giving training to assembly/parliament staff and conducting needs assessment on human resource and administrative requirements for legislative branch Administration
  • Masters degree or equivalent in Law, Public Administration, Economy, Political Sciences, Management Studies or other relevant field
  • Advanced understanding and experience of parliamentary functioning and/or civil service development in societies in transition
  • Experience in coaching and monitoring, and in preparing analytical reports
  • Professional fluency in English


  • Previous experience in field missions, preferably in Kosovo or in the South East European region.
Remuneration Package

Remuneration will depend on the qualifications and experience of individual experts as well as the detailed work plan to be agreed upon and will be based on the current OSCE consultancy rates. In addition, travel costs to and from the duty station will be paid, if applicable.

Period of Consultancy: five days in September 2008

How To Apply

If you wish to apply for the position, please send your CV to
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